All Natural Native American Clay
The Tigers Eye Skin Care
Natural Skin Care

Native American Clay Facials
Here’s how a Native American Natural Clay exfoliation from The Tiger’s Eye Skincare is different from a traditional facial.
First, our clay is versatile. It can be used on almost all skin types and for multiple skin problems. Some of the wonderful minerals in our clay include magnesium, calcium, and iron, all of which help with the production of collagen in the skin. Collagen is the protein that keeps the skin flexible and soft, and it’s essential to healing.
Second, our clay is gently applied as a cream and rinsed away multiple times during an exfoliation rather than being left on to dry as a masque. As skin is exfoliated with our clay in this way, impurities from the skin come to the surface, pores shrink, and dead cells become finer and slough off.

Some of Our Natural Skin Care Products
Tiger’s Eye Moisturizer is the perfect complement to the Vita 10 Oil. Made from natural herbs and extracts, it enriches and nourishes the skin. Applied liberally over the face and throat, it is absorbed by the skin, leaving no trace of oil, and it is an ideal makeup base.
Super Wild Yam Cream
This extract of the root of the Mexican Wild Yam contains diosgenin, a precursor of the hormone progesterone. Progesterone counteracts many of the effects of estrogen dominance in women, such as water retention, breast swelling, osteoporosis, hot flashes, mood swings, and PMS/PMDD. The cream, which also smooths and rejuvenates the skin, works best when massaged into soft tissue such as the breast, inner thigh, or tummy.
Vitamin C Gel
This rich gel, when applied daily, acts as a collagen booster and a spot guard, and helps to shield the skin from the sun’s rays. Safe to use around the eyes.
Natural Rejuvenating Serum
Wrinkles and facial lines have multiple causes, including stress, reduced collagen and elastin, repeated small muscular contractions, and of course sun and weather. Our Serum contains Argireline in a base of aloe vera. Argireline is a complex of six amino acids that both smooths out existing wrinkles and inhibits the formation of new ones, while aloe vera nourishes the skin.
Rejuvenating Cream
The Natural Rejuvenating Cream is used in conjunction with the Natural Rejuvenating Serum and functions as an activator. It will help to keep the skin moist throughout the day and night, enabling the Argireline amino acids to remain active.

Skin Care Packages
Native American Clay Facial Treatment
Regular price is $120 for one treatment
Buy 5 treatments at $110 each ($550)
Buy 10 treatments at $100 each ($1000)
Mini Treatment or Back Treatment
Regular price is $90 for one treatment
Buy 5 treatments for $80 each ($400)
Buy 10 treatments for $70 each ($700)
Body Treatment
Regular price is $220 for one treatment
Buy 5 treatments for $199 each ($995)

Shop Our All Natural Products
Tiger’s Eye Moisturizer is the perfect compliment to the Vita 10 Oil. Made from natural herbs and extracts it enriches and nourishes the skin. Applied liberally over the face and throat it is absorbed by the skin leaving no trace of oil and it is an ideal makeup base.
Super Wild Yam Cream
This extract of the root of the Mexican Wild Yam contains diosgenin, a precursor of the hormone progesterone. Progesterone counteracts many of the effects of estrogen dominance in women, such as water retention, breast swelling, osteoporosis, hot flashes, mood swings, and PMS/PMDD. The cream, which also smooths and rejuvenates the skin, works best when massaged into soft tissue such as the breast, inner thigh, or tummy.
Vitamin C Gel
A rich gel when applied daily acts as a collagen booster, a spot guard, and helps to shield the sun’s rays. Safe to use around the eyes.
Rejuvenating Cream
The Natural Rejuvenating Cream is used in conjunction with The Natural Rejuvenating Serum and acts as an activator. It will help to keep the skin moist throughout the day and night enabling the Argireline amino acids to remain active.
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Especially for major skin problems such as cystic acne, rosacea, eczema, or psoriasis, repeated treatments over weeks or even months may be necessary. Our Membership packages will offer significant additional discounts for prolonged treatments of this kind or simply for regular visits. Details forthcoming.
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